Trevor Paglen
When Trevor Paglen first started talking about his work, I was immediately lost. I was a bit concerned that I may indeed be in the wrong lecture. I'm not going to lie, there were moments in the lecture where I wanted to ask "is this a government lesson or is this an artist lecture?" It was not until the end that my questions were answered. Paglen spent an admirable amount of time researching his concept and photographing methods. But I question wether or not going through half an hour on Government Secrecy was necessary before getting to his art. But then again "would his art stand alone, without explaination" is what one student questioned.
As far as Paglen's art goes, I am especially fond of his work using high powered telescopes to photograph locations you cannot get to. The images are beautiful in a very backwards way. You end up seeing a town, or a power plant, but the way the light starts to bend in the image creates this hazy and dream-like quality that I am really fond of. Paglens lecture definitely sparked my imagination on what is in my photographs that I am not able to see with the naked eye.
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