Wednesday, April 13, 2011

idea 4/13 - Time


It's expressed in a linear fashion, but does it really move in that format?

Time is a theme that seems to be overwhelming my series this semester. Both conceptually and throughout the process. The entire series itself is a reflection upon my past and where it has led me to this point.

This Point.

Maybe that is where my mental/creative block is coming from. I have been solely creating memories from my past, which though there may seem like a lot... in reality I am 21 years old and have barely experienced life.

What if I was to create "memories from the future"? How would that affect my series and how the audience reacts to it? What would I include? How would I justify each image as holding the same importance of events I have actually experienced and learned from already? If time only is represented in a linear fashion, but infacts moves in all directions then who is to say that I can't produce images of things I have yet to experience but still anticipate experiencing?

My work this semester is so time based, that it makes me wonder where it is safe to end my series. Whether I should end it at present day, before present day but at a pivotal life moment, or somewhere I have not had the opportunity to explore yet.

As the semester draws to a close, I am full of all sorts of anticipations of where my life is headed and how much time I have for this and that. I feel this subject is something I have to address in my series. I'm just not really sure how to go about it.

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