Duplicate: noun 1. A copy exactly like an original
verb 1. To make an exact copy of
2. To do or perform again. Repeat.
Duplication has been a big part of my series this semester. Infact is has almost engulfed the series entirely. The whole series revolves on the idea that I am duplicating myself as I act out several roles of myself and others. So what does this do to the viewer? This repetition begins to register in the mind of the audience before they even realize that I am the only subject matter. As long as my work is successful, it will not be an obvious first sight to see that the only subject in the images are myself, which makes the duplication that much more important. Once the viewer begins to see that there is one subject duplicated over and over they begin to question the motives of the image. Who is that person? Why are they in seperate roles? Which role is the focal point? And which role is actually her (if any)?
I've always found it important to make the viewer ask questions. If they have no questions then they have no reason to continue on with your work.
I also find it important for the viewer to not know 100% which subject is the main subject. Which one are they following throughout the series? This way they can kind of pick which area they most relate with without being told where to go or what to think within the series.
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