Wednesday, September 15, 2010

idea 9/15 - memory

The main focus of my work this semester will have to do with memory and memory distortion. As individual beings, we each have individual experiences. This allows for innacuracies in our recollection. Perception changes from angle, to age, and even culture. I am interested in how I remember things that shape the person I am and how they relate to the memories of other people. Of course my memories are specifically my own and can in no way be experienced by another person exactly as I experienced it.

Koriat, Asher. Toward a Psychology of Memory Accuracy. Annual Reviews. 2000.

This article approaches the idea of memory distortion, false memory, and memory illusions. It delves into the psychological part of memory and really breaks down the science. What really intrigues me is the psychology behind memory psychophysics. "Memory psychophysics (see Algom 1992) embodies the view of memory as the perception of the past, bringing perceptual issues and techniques to bear on the study of memory."(490). This discusses the act of creating a memory and perceiving it as an actualy event. This is especially interesting as we often view memory as fact as it appears so real to us.
"The same psychophysical transformation that operates on the sensory input to produce a perceptual representation is reapplied to the perceptual representation to produce the memorial estimates (but see Radvansky et al 1995 for alternative accounts)." (490)

"People’s ability to monitor their own memories is not just of intrinsic interest; it is also a critical component of the strategic regulation of memory accuracy...  showed that monitoring and control processes operating during memory reporting can have a substantial effect on the accuracy of the reported information."(515)

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