Thursday, January 27, 2011

Idea 1/27 - break ups

My portfolio this semester is a continuation of my portflio last semester which reflects upon important moments within my own life. I have noticed a trend that a lot of the moments that I have been reflecting on are past romantic relationships. I'm not sure why these stand prominent above the rest. However some clarity came to me yesterday. I went through my second break up in the last 6 months. As with the last I was confronted with the feelings of confusion and a sense of regaining self. I am reevaluating the last 2 months of my life... but then again I am also reevaluating the last 6 months. What moments were important? How did things change? And with a relationship that was not clearly stated for months before becoming "official" what does that mean? Every new relationship brings a new outlook on life. And every new break up no matter what side you are on, changes your perception of everything. Needless to say with all the ups and downs of this recent relationship I think I have found two more images for my portfolio of moments that changed my life and will remain in my thoughts forever.

Tashiro, Ty. Frazier, Patricia. "I'll Never Be in A Relationship Like That Again": Personal Growth Following Romantic Relationship Breakups. 2003. Web.

This article tackles on the subject of breakups and failed relationships. It focuses on the growth of the individual no matter what side they were on (i.e. dumper or dumpee). This article studies all sorts of factors within breakups such as age, gender, social class, etc. This article also touched base on the personal growth between men and women, such as which gender felt they had grown more.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Artist - 1/24

Brandon Merkel

I do not actually know a lot about Brandon Merkel or his photography. I kind of stumbled upon it recently. What really interests me about him is his aesthetic approach to his images. They capture a sort of dream like and almost nostalgic in a sense. I feel like his aesthetic in his photographs is strongly related to my concept for my series. When I look at his photographs I feel like I am looking at someones or somethings past. A vague memory of what used to be. When I am making my photographs I have that same feel of "what used to be" where things are still not clear and almost half hazy.